Join us by becoming an investor!

From the outset, we have built mapstr for you and with you. That's why we'd like to continue sharing in this adventure and its success by offering to become a shareholder of mapstr.

A social application is only as good as its users; so let's build the future of mapstr together!

Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Takes 2 minutes to learn more.

Save time for your
best experiences

We created mapstr so that we could easily save and find all our favorite addresses, as well as those of people we trust. Mission accomplished, now it's time to take it a step further.

At mapstr our mission has always been to encourage our users to put down their phones and explore the world "for real". We should all be able to spend more time having and enjoying new experiences than wasting time searching for them, hesitating and following the advice of people whose tastes we don't share.

That's why we've developed our own recommendation engine, Mapstr Matching!

Far from anonymous suggestions, Mapstr Matching offers ultra-personalized suggestions all over the world, unique for each user, and which will become more and more precise as you enrich your maps.

Mapstr becomes the application that guides you to your next best experience!

Why invest in mapstr ?

Here are 7 reasons

🇫🇷 We're 100% French and independent!And yes, contrary to what some might think, we're a French, independent company, and we're proud of it!

🌍 We love local, but mapstr is an international app! Used by over 4 million users in over 90 countries, the app is translated into 11 languages, with over 93 million hotels, restaurants, bars, museums, etc. registered worldwide.

🏆 Numbers-wise, we're breaking record after record
Since our last Crowd Equity in May 2022, we've made +73% user growth with 23% annual retention and we've had +51% places added by our community.

😍 Our users have talentOf course, there are the restaurant experts, but there are also all the others: specialists in thrift shops, street art, mushroom spots and lots more. Mapstr It's your image, it's your world, and the only limit is your imagination!

🤩 Our partners are prestigiousThe most famous guides, media and institutions already use mapstr : Petit Futé, ELLE à Table, Time Out Paris, Madame Figaro, Konbini Food, The Good Life, Paulette, Michelin, Cartoville, l'Office du Tourisme de Paris, etc.

🤝 Our business model is virtuous
Zero advertising and your data is neither sold nor shared! We earn money by enabling brands to build media campaigns and venues to benefit from a privileged communication channel with their future customers.

❤️ Our mission: to help you explore the world!Our ambition is to help and encourage as many people as possible to have real-life experiences, to try out places for real, to explore the world, alone or with others!

So, are you ready to join
the mapstr adventure?

Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest.
This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Takes 2 minutes to learn more.
Join the adventure - limited places (from €10)

"But what are you going to do with that money?"

Investing in R&D

Our Mapstr Matching recommendation engine has been in development for 2 years and is now ready to meet its public and receive the success it deserves. However, to deploy it correctly on our application and to be able to improve it rapidly and continuously, we need to invest more in research & development.

Developing our growth

The performance of this recommendations engine is linked to the richness of our community. The more addresses our users add, the more precise our recommendations will be worldwide.

users ⇒ addresses tested ⇒ personalized recommendations

Becoming a shareholder, in other words?

Joining the mapstr adventure by becoming a shareholder means taking a stake in a fast-growing company and becoming part of a passionate community.

Joining a great family

In 2022, mapstr opened its capital to users for the first time, and it was a great success!

We exceeded our target by 281%, with 2,175 people investing a total of €1.4 million. We're repeating the experience, as we still have a few places left for our users, so now's the time to join us!

What form will your investment take?

This year, we're offering you the opportunity to invest in convertible bonds with an annual interest rate of 10%. Investing in a convertible bond is like lending money to a company, so it's only natural that you should receive a slightly larger share over time. Subsequently, usually after a further fund-raising operation, your convertible bonds are converted into shares at a preferential value discounted by 30%.

To find out more about convertible bonds, visit this page.

🚦 3 steps to follow...

Investing is easier than you might think , but you have to be quick because places are limited!


⏳ Reserve your place on the waiting list
The sale of OCs will take place on a platform called Crowdcube, which secures this type of operation and ensures that everything is done by the book. The first step is to register on the Crowdcube waiting list in order to:

- Be ready for launch day and be sure of a place.
- Be able to preview the investment. Places are limited!

You will be asked to complete a questionnaire about your knowledge of investment risks. Your score will be collected for information purposes, but will not hinder your investment.

🔥 D-Day, access Crowdcube
The campaign launch will take place in March 2024, the exact date will be communicated in the next few days.

As a pre-registered member, you will be notified in advance and will have the opportunity to invest the amount of your choice before anyone else. The amount is free and starts from €10.


😎 Welcome! You're now part of the mapstr family!
It's time to celebrate this new milestone together, and the start of a new chapter...

Want to know more?

Send us an email

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Frequently asked questions

What is equity crowdfunding?

It's not a donation, but an investment. Equity crowdfunding enables a large number of people to pool their money to support a company they believe in, via a regulated online platform.

Why equity crowdfunding?

Like all social applications, mapstr 's strength lies in its community. And it's thanks to this community, and therefore thanks to you, that we've been able to build our Mapstr Matching algorithm, which heralds the second life of mapstr.

It's therefore only natural that we should once again invite you to play a full part in this new adventure, by becoming shareholders in mapstr alongside us, to enable us to write this new page together. The power of the community is at the heart of mapstr's effectiveness.

What is Crowdcube?

Crowdcube is a regulated European platform that enables private companies to attract investment from professionals and venture capitalists, as well as ordinary investors like you. It has facilitated crowdfunding for Vestiaire Collectif, Finary, Qonto, and many others. To find out more about Crowdcube, click here.

When will the campaign be launched?

The campaign will be open to the general public in March 2024. The exact date will be announced in the next few days. Don't forget to pre-register for a sneak preview of the launch date, so you can invest before anyone else.

Who can invest?

To invest on Crowdcube, you must be over 18 and legally authorized to invest. You must also be a resident of a country where you can legally benefit from financial promotions such as those offered. If you are unsure whether you can invest through Crowdcube in your country, seek legal advice before opening an account.

Crowdcube cannot advertise investment opportunities to people residing in the United States, Canada, Japan or any other country where it would be illegal to advertise their opportunities. If you reside in these countries, unfortunately you cannot register on their site.

When creating your account, please make sure you register with your name, as we cannot accept joint investments. You'll also need to indicate your investor type (apprentice or professional) and answer a short questionnaire. Crowdcube just wants to make sure you understand the high-risk nature of investing in startups and young companies.

What is the minimum amount I can invest?

The minimum amount is around €10. We want to make participation in the project as accessible as possible.

How can I make the most of my investment? Can I sell my shares in the future?

We want you to be aware of your investment and understand when you can expect a financial return on your shares. In the short term, we plan to reinvest retained earnings to help us grow.In the longer term, there are several ways to realize a return on your investment, either if we go public, if we start buying back shares from investors, or if there are other liquidity events to come. All options are currently open, but whatever happens, you will be participating in our future. As with any investment, there is a risk that you may lose your entire investment. Please invest with full knowledge of the facts.

What is a convertible bond?

A convertible bond is an investment in shares of a company whose shares will be issued at a later date. In general, the shares will be issued when the company raises a larger amount of capital. Find out more about convertible bonds.

Why a convertible bond?

Companies tend to raise funds via a convertible bond as part of a broader financing strategy. A convertible bond allows a company to raise equity capital without fixing a valuation - the valuation will be fixed by the next investment round or at an agreed valuation on a cut-off date.

What advantages do I enjoy as an investor?

By investing in a convertible round, you invest early in the company, and the value of your shares is higher than that of the next round. As an investor, you benefit from 10% annual interest and a 30% discount on the next round when the shares are issued.