Mapstr brings in your customers

Millions of users add future places they want to try to mapstr . Yours is one of them! Discover your mapstr subscribers in 2 clicks and get them in the door!

Discover my community mapstr

Increase bookings and visits with mapstr Premium

Mapstr is the only social network where users voluntarily indicate future places they want to try. Communicating with them on mapstr means you can target future customers directly, at the most opportune moment when they are consulting their list of places to try.

Boost your visibility

Give your subscribers a visibility boost. Our Premium customers appear 10x more in the eyes of their subscribers.

Contact my future customers

Post your news as often as you like

Communicate with your future customers. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your menu, announce the latest news and display beautiful photos of your dishes. Our Premium customers reach up to 75% of their audience, versus 2% on Instagram.

Create a post

Get genuine feedback

Analyze your customers' feedback to improve the experience in your establishment as much as possible.

See feedbacks

Track your communication performance

At a glance, measure the success of a press article, an influencer's visit or any other communication by tracking your new subscribers mapstr.

Track my performance

"Knowing Mapstr as a personal user, the business offer attracted me because I knew we would be addressing a very receptive and qualitative target. This intuition was confirmed by the first results. Today, we use this solution to keep our community informed in a privileged way".

Co-founder of Jinchan Shokudo

"Indispensable! Mapstr has enabled us to create a lasting relationship with a concerned and committed community of Foodies. A new playground and authentic encounters far from the emptiness of traditional social networks. The results are measurable and fast."

Kevin Arquillo
Marketing & Communication Director - Monsieur Papounet Group

"Mapstr is a highly effective tool for strengthening ties with a community that is already engaged, showing an interest in our establishment and wanting to be kept up to date with restaurant news. In concrete terms, it helps to increase the number of repeat visits by our customers, ensuring that they don't miss out on any news. In a restaurant and catering market where customers are extremely volatile and solicitous, this is a key lever for building customer loyalty."

Alexandre Bortenlänger
Co-founder Doublevie

Mapstr still have secrets for you?

What is Mapstr ?

Mapstr is a social network where users share their best tested addresses and save the ones they want to try next. It's a mobile application available free of charge on iOS and Android.

How can I get listed on mapstr ?

Your establishment is naturally listed on mapstr thanks to the various databases to which we are linked. For a new opening, it may take several weeks to list your establishment. You can write to us to speed up the process by sending us the link to your Google listing.

Where does my company's information come from on mapstr ?

The information concerning your establishment comes from the various databases to which we are linked. There may be errors due to out-of-date information. In this case, you can connect to your mapstr dashboard and update this information by creating an account on

How can I change the information about my establishment?

By taking control of your mapstr dashboard, you will be able to modify all your information: photos, schedules, booking links, website, phone...To do so, create an account at

It's rare for an establishment (excluding new openings) not to be listed on mapstr, so check via the mobile application that your establishment doesn't come up in the main search ("+" button in the center of Map). If this is the case, contact us by e-mail, explaining your problem and adding the link to your Google listing.

Yes, your mapstr file allows you to insert booking links. Go to your mapstr dashboard( to modify or add links.

On your mapstr dashboard(, you'll be able to see the number of subscribers, i.e. the number of users who have added your establishment to their Map. You'll also see the breakdown between those who have "tested" you and those who "want to test" you. These are future customers!

On your mapstr dashboard(, you can discover the list of influential people who recommend you on our application*.

*This option is only available with our Premium subscription.

By taking out our Premium subscription, you can publish your news to your subscriber base, i.e. to those who have already shown an intention to visit you. These are the people most likely to walk through your door.

Yes, we regularly announce new openings to our entire community. It can also be news about your establishment. Please contact us to tell us more about your communication campaign.

Mapstr Premium,
the solution to boost your sales

Immediate profitability

Amortize your subscription from the first month by posting regularly.

Multiply your bookings

Appear 10 times more in the eyes of your community and generate on average 4 times more bookings on our application.

Don't waste time

Less than an hour a month is all it takes to increase your bookings.

From €69 / month - 1-month free trial

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